Welcome to the website of the Institute of Geosciences!
The Institute of Geosciences at Bonn University combines the sections of Geology, Geochemistry/Petrology, Geophysics and Meteorology. Within these sections, the disciplines of environmental geology, hydrogeology, sedimentology, geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, structural geology, geophysics, geodynamics, climate dynamics, theoretical meteorology and radar polarimetry are covered.
Combined with 2 Bachelor and 4 Master programmes in 2 teaching units, the Institute of Earth Sciences offers a broad spectrum of theoretical and practical disciplines for orientation in university research and teaching.
See for yourself on the following pages!
Teaching & Learning
In this section we present the studies in our degree programmes and the teaching.
You would like to study in the geosciences?
Here you will find all the information you need to apply:
In this section you will get an overview of the sections at the Institute.
News and Events
Below you will find a compilation of news and events at the Institute of Geosciences including the current research colloquium.
The field measurements as part of the module "Hydrogeophysics" of the master's degree programme in Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere took place in Whitsun week in 2024. The goal of this week was to apply geophysical measuring methods for characterising hydrological structures and processes. With the available measuring devices the students should analyse flow and transport processes. The exact question was related to the freshwater-saltwater interface of the island's groundwater and its tidal dynamics.
On May 27th, Junior Professor Leonie Esters spoke at the KinderUni at University Bonn about the difference between weather and climate. The children were enthusiastic and actively participated. More information about the KinderUni can be found at: https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/studium/studienorientierung-und-uni-bonn-entdecken/junge-uni/veranstaltungen-und-wettbewerbe/kinderuni
From mid of February to mid of March 2024 a team of the Bonn geophysics group conducts geophysical measurements on Svalbard in collaboration with project partners from the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) and Forschungszentrum Jülich. The team images the subsurface using different geophysical methods to improve understanding of groundwater flow paths leading to surface icings in glacier forefields as well as at coastal pingo sites where methane outgassing occurs.
The international conference on ‘Precipitation Processes - Estimation and Prediction (PrePEP)’ to be held 17-21 March 2025 in Bonn, Germany, will bring together scientists contributing with new approaches to improve the monitoring, understanding, nowcasting and prediction of precipitation processes. This includes advancements in integrated multi-sensor observations, their exploitation for parameterization developments, classical or AI-based Nowcasting techniques, microphysical retrieval development, data assimilation, the blending with numerical weather prediction, hydrological flood forecasts and warning strategies. Please visit the conference website https://indico.scc.kit.edu/event/prepep/ for more information. Looking forward to seeing you in Bonn!
Lecture series “Aspects of the Climate Crisis”
The next round of the lecture series "Aspects of the Climate Crisis", formerly "Aspects of Global Warming", will begin on October 24.
Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/@aspektedererderwarmung6199
The program: https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/neues/176-2023
In the public lecture series "Aspects of the Climate Crisis" at the University of Bonn, organized together with "End Fossil: Occupy! Bonn", a wide range of topics will once again be discussed: from the European Green Deal, microplastics and groundwater depletion to colonialism and the right of resistance. As in previous years, the event is also intended to provide a platform for committed, constructive and appreciative discussion.
Weitere Veranstaltungen folgen demnächst.
CHE Ranking Geosciences Bonn 2021
At the University of Bonn, the subjects mathematics, geography, geosciences and chemistry have been rated particularly positively.
Studies in 2 teaching units
Professorships filled