Field measurements on the island Spiekeroog

The field measurements as part of the module "Hydrogeophysics" of the master's degree programme in Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere took place in Whitsun week in 2024. The goal of this week was to apply geophysical measuring methods for characterising hydrological structures and processes. With the available measuring devices the students should analyse flow and transport processes. The exact question was related to the freshwater-saltwater interface of the island's groundwater and its tidal dynamics.

Early 2024, field measurements by geophysics team on Svalbard with project partners from UNIS and FZ Jülich

From mid of February to mid of March 2024 a team of the Bonn geophysics group conducts geophysical measurements on Svalbard in collaboration with project partners from the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) and Forschungszentrum Jülich. The team images the subsurface using different geophysical methods to improve understanding of groundwater flow paths leading to surface icings in glacier forefields as well as at coastal pingo sites where methane outgassing occurs.

Winter Wonder 2022

As part of the Christmas lecture on the module "Applied Geophysics", students were able to geophysically confirm the existence of a suspected marzipan core.

6th International Workshop on Induced Polarization

From June 27th to 30th 2022 the 6th International Workshop on Induced Polarization took place in Annecy, France. The Geophysics Section of the University of Bonn contributed with three posters about their recent research activities to the conference.

Geophysical measurements on the North Sea island Spiekeroog

In May 2022, the Geophysics Section conducted a field trip of several days to the North Sea island of Spiekeroog, as part of the course Hydrogeophysics in the Master's degree program in Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere.


E-TEST: Einstein Telescope EMR Site & Technology

The Geophysics Section contributes to the implementation of the underground observatory and the development of the (hydro)geological model for the potential Einstein-Telescope (ET), an advanced gravitational-wave observatory, currently in the planning stage.

Valentin Michels presents PhenoRob subproject on YouTube

Valentin Michels presents PhenoRob subproject "Structural and functional field root sensing using tomographic and endoscopic electrical impedance spectroscopy" on YouTube.

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