Aktuelle Hinweise
Achtung: Auch dieses Wintersemester findet das Forschungsseminar Donnerstags ab 13 Uhr statt.
Forschungsseminar Geophysik
Bei Interesse an der Teilnahme wird um Voranmeldung gebeten:
Teilnahme, Ort und Zeit
innerhalb der Vorlesungszeit
13:00 - 14:30 Uhr
Raum 3.006, 3. OG
Meckenheimer Allee 176
53115 Bonn
Programm im Wintersemester 2024/2025
10.10., 13:15 Uhr
- Info-Meeting und Terminfindung
- Arne Mansfeld: Connecting calcite precipitation to complex conductivity evolution in sandstones
- Niklas Sachwitz: Modelling of the anisotropic effective complex conductivity of plant roots based on cylindrical structural parameterization
- Maximilian Weigand: Geophysikalisches Datenamanagement auf AG-Ebene - Eine praktische Einführung
21.11. entfällt
- Daria Pankova: Elucidating the thermo-hydrogeological controls of a coastal open-system pingo formation (Adventdalen valley, Svalbard) through multi-method geophysical investigation
- Haoran Wang: Broadband sEIT measurements with different measurement setups: data correction and filtering
12.12. entfällt
19.12. entfällt
- Johanna Kasischke: Lagekorrektur von geomagnetischen Messdaten
- Valentin Michels: From root to leaf: Monitoring seasonal plant activity patterns using spectral electrical impedance tomography
- Jonas Lang: Charakterisierung der hyporheischen Zone von Fließgewässern mittels geoelektrischer Tomographie
- Joost Hase: Challenges in probabilistic (complex) resistivity imaging
- Larissa Reineccius: The connection between physical and chemical processes in the root rhizosphere with the complex conductivity response of the root surface
30.01. Achtung: beginnt bereits um 11:40 Uhr!
- Kristoffer Kerkhof: Analysis of electrical self-potential measurements at Spiekeroog
11.04., 13 Uhr
- Info-Meeting und Terminfindung
25.04., 13 Uhr
- Maximilian Weigand: Electrical inversion infrastructure in our working group - current state and future plans
02.05., 13 Uhr
- Niklas Sachwitz: Modelling of the anisotropic effective complex conductivity of plant roots based on cylindrical structural parameterization
06.06., 13 Uhr
- Daria Pankova: Elucidating the thermo-hydrogeological controls of Lagoon Pingo (Adventdalen, Svalbard) formation through multi-method geophysical investigation
13.06., 13 Uhr
- Valentin Michels: Does size matter? - A comparative field study on the electrical polarization of sugarbeet and maize
20.06., 13 Uhr
- Alexander Jaron: Coupled application of transient electromagnetic method and electrical resistivity tomography in a permafrost environment
27.06., 13 Uhr
- Larissa Reineccius: Influence of rhizosphere processes on the plant roots' surface electrical response
- Kristoffer Kerkhof: On strange tides
04.07., 13 Uhr
- Joost Hase: Probabilistic inversion of complex resistivity measurements using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling
11.07., 13 Uhr
- Arne Mansfeld: Debye decomposition of SIP monitoring data of heterogenous carbonate nucleation in sandstone
- Info-Meeting
- Jonas Limbrock: Relationships between Cole-Cole model parameters in permittivity and conductivity formulations
- Arne Mansfeld: Changes in the complex conductivity response of sandstones due to NaHCO3 infiltration, a time-lapse study
- Valentin Michels: Rhizotron-scale crop root phenotyping using spectral electrical impedance tomography
- Agostina Ortiz: Detection, distribution and hydrological significance of Andean permafrost in taluses and block slopes in the Agua Negra Basin, Argentina – a geophysical approach
- Alexander Jaron: Combined analysis of ERT and TEM data for freshwater lens exploration
- Niklas Heidemann: GeoIT - Our next steps in scientific computing, FAIRdata and IT security
20.12. Achtung: Termin auf 20.12. 15:15 Uhr geändert!
- Daria Pankova: Elucidating the thermo-hydrogeological controls of Lagoon Pingo (Adventdalen, Svalbard) formation using electrical imaging
- Niklas Sachwitz: Modelling of the anisotropic effective complex conductivity of plant roots based on cylindrical structural parameterization
- Joost Hase: Probabilistic inversion of geoelectric measurements on reduced model spaces using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling
- Kristoffer Kerkhof: On strange tides
- Larissa Reineccius: Modeling study on the spectral induced polarization response of the rhizosphere
Kontakt und Organisation
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemna
Lehrstuhl für Geophysik
Meckenheimer Allee 176
53115 Bonn