
The seminars of the working groups ‘Climate Dynamics and Statistics’, ‘Climate Monitoring’ and ‘General Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics’ are held jointly. This is where the lectures of the staff and students of these working groups take place. It is not a public event.

Ort und Zeit

Freitags (während der Vorlesungszeit): 14:00 Uhr - 15:30 Uhr

Auf dem Hügel 20
53121 Bonn

Wintersemester 2024/2025



Title of presentation


Svenja Szemkus Compact Description of High Dimensional Spatial Weather Extremes
18.10.2024 Silvia Brückner Multiple-Scale Asymptotic Models for the Study of Atmospheric Scale Interactions
24.10.2024 Oliver Heuser Low Cape und High Shear Simulationen des EF-4 Tornado in Hautmont, Frankreich 2008 mit dem Wolkenmodell CM1
Christoph Schürmann Analyse historischer Wetterdaten



Title of presentation


Magdalena Kracheletz Application of ordinal analysis in meteorology
Sebastian Buschow Analysis and attribution of non stationary drought timeseries
15.11.2024 Julia Klein Maschinelles Lernen in der Meteorologie - Vorhersage von atmosphärischen Blockings

Till Fohrmann

The Code4Earth project
29.11.2024 (Petra nicht da)



Title of presentation

13.12.2024 Pascal Meurer Investigating compount events using multivariate extreme value theory
20.12.2024 Jane Roque The role of irrigation frequency in earth system modeling
Oliver Heuser Low Cape und High Shear Simulationen des EF-4 Tornado in Hautmont, Frankreich 2008 mit dem Wolkenmodell CM1



Title of presentation

10.01.2025 Ellen Arimond KlimaOER - Current status of our meteorological OER and other project results
Elena Päffgen A turbulence-based description of air-sea gas transfer
17.01.2025 Philipp Ertz Leadtime dependent recalibration of extremes for decadal climate prediction systems
Juliane Neusser Analysis of auroral contaminations in observations of OH airglow
24.01.2025 Yohanes Ginting How does the land-use change impact the potential rate of gross primary productivity in tropical peat swamp forests?
Ziyu Liu Evaluating Regional Reanalysis for Atmospheric Mass in Europe and the Implication for Satellite Gravimetry
31.01.2025 Alexander Kelbch, Arianna Valmassoi Updates on the ICON reanalysis development at DWD

Sommersemester 2024



Titel des Vortrags

19.04.2024 Yann Büchau Measuring natural CO2 emissions with a low-cost sensor network
Pascal Meurer Non-stationary attribution of heatwaves over Europe
26.04.2024 Georg Wilhelm Turbulence and noise comparison in the Baltic sea based on in situ measurements
Manuel Becker Developement of heatwaves in western Central Europe under the influence of climate change



Titel des Vortrags

03.05.2024 May Bohmann Urban Parameterization in Global Operational Weather Forecasting - Assesing Slab Model Integration in the ICON Model
Meike Schraa An investigation of the upper bound of maximum temperatures in heatwaves
10.05.2024 Viola Dost Identifying Dunkelflauten in Germany using COSMO-REA6
17.05.2024 Mathis Jungen Application of the dynamical system theory to extreme precipitation events - Results
31.05.2024 Ziyu Liu Analyzing refined regional atmospheric mass variation and the impact on satellite gravity missions
Magda Kracheletz Influence of 2021 flood event on GRACE-FO Satellite Measurements



Titel des Vortrags

07.06.2024 Till Fohrmann Sensitivity of Extreme Precipitation to Soil Moisture
Jane Roque Impact of spatial extension of Irrigation in the ICON-nwp model
14.06.2024 Alexander Kelbch /Arianna Valmassoi ICON reanalysis development at DWD - Updates, results and outlook
Yohanes Risky Shellen Ginting Eddy Covariance Flux Tower Set Up in a Tropical Forest: Theory and Challenges
21.06.2024 Patrick Zobec Synoptic overview of the May 2022 Candaian Derecho
Emma Sofie Griese Remote sensing-based estimates of Gross Primary Production at the Wüstebach research station
28.06.2024 Philipp Ertz Project 'Coming Decade' and 'Wind gust postprocessing with spatial Bayesian hierarchical models'
Simon Hauser A Global Empirical Model for Diurnal Warming Events in the Ocean



Titel des Vortrags

05.07.2024 Jose Pablo Solano Marchini
Elena Päffgen Turbulence-Based Description of the Air-Sea Gas Exchange
12.07.2024 Julia Klein Machine learning in atmospheric sciences
Svenja Szemkus Using wavelets to investigate the spatio-temporal structure of extreme precipitation over Germany
19.07.2024 Sylvia Brückner Scale-Dependent Asymptotic Models
Sebastian Buschow

Wintersemester 2023/2024



Titel des Vortrags

20.10.2023 Agatha
Viola Dost Renewable Energy
27.10.2023 Sebastian Buschow Conditional Bayesian Detection & Attribution



Titel des Vortrags

03.11.2023 May Bohmann Urban Paremetrization in the global ICON model
Ziyu Liu Regional refined atmospheric de-aliasing modelling for gravity missions
Magda Kracheletz Influence of 2021 flood event on GRACE-FO Satellite Measurements
10.11.2023 Till Fohrmann Impact of heat waves onto the boundary layer and TSMP simulations
Jane Roque Irrigation parameterizations in the Operational Numerical Weather Prediction model ICON-NWP
17.11.2023 Sylvia Brueckner Scale-Dependent Atmospheric Models
Mathis Jungen Application of the dynamical system theory to extreme precipitation events
24.11.2023 David Foerster Atmospheric rivers in the region Northatlantic/Europe



Titel des Vortrags

01.12.2023 Svenja Szemkus Changes in extreme precipitation and their representation in reanalysis data
Selina Neuhaus Gas exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean with regard to turbulence
08.12.2023 Alex Kelbch Updates on ICON reanalysis and ERA5 observations
Arianna Valmassoi Updates on ICON reanalysis and ERA5 observations
15.12.2023 Philipp Ertz A probabilistic post-processing of wind gusts
22.12.2023 Meike Schraa An investigation of the upper bound of maximum temperatures in heatwaves



Titel des Vortrags

12.01.2024 Lisa Schielicke Application of point vortex dynamics in the atmosphere
19.01.2024 Yohannes Ginting Gross primary productivity of remote sensing-based models in terrestrial ecosystems in Borneo, Southeast Asia
Ellen Massmann
26.01.2024 Viola Dost Identifying Dunkelflauten in Germany using COSMO-REA6
Nastaran Najari Urban heat island
02.02.2024 Pascal Meurer Heatwave Attribution with EPI (defined by Svenja and Petra)

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