E-TEST: Einstein Telescope EMR Site & Technology
The Geophysics Section is partner in the Interreg EU project "Einstein Telescope EMR Site & Technology" (E-TEST). On this page the project is presented and the partners are named.
The Einstein-Telescope (ET) is an advanced gravitational-wave observatory, currently in the planning stage. A possible target area is the Euregio Meuse-Rhine (EMR) border region between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. One objective of the E-TEST project is the (hydro)geological characterization of the target area, to find a suitable location for the construction of the ET. The Geophysics Section of the Institute for Geosciences contributes to the implementation of the underground observatory and the development of the (hydro)geological model for the potential ET site by integrating hydrogeophysical imaging and monitoring methods which exploit electrical signatures of the earth. Geoelectric ERT and IP measurements are performed using a cross-borehole electrode setup, ensuring high resolution of rock formations at depth. Additional laboratory measurements and synthetic studies are carried out to adjust the measurement setup to the specific location of the observatory and to provide a basis for interpretation of the field results.

The work of the Geophysics Section of the Institute for Geosciences and the partners is financed by the European Regional Development Fund Interreg Euregio Meuse-Rhine of the European Union and several regional financiers.

Partners of the Geophysics Section of the Institute for Geosciences, University of Bonn are Université de Liège, Fraunhofer ILT, RWTH Aachen, UHasselt, KU Leuven, NWO-I/Nikhef, NMWP Management GmbH, KNMI, Maastricht University and UCLouvain.